Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pretty in Pink

Have you ever done a math magic trick like this? Come on, do it with me:

Step 1: Think of any number (Except 1).
Step 2: Double the number.
Step 3: Add 9 with result.
Step 4: Subtract 3 from the result.
Step 5: Divide the result by 2.
Step 6: Subtract the number you first chose with the result.

The answer is always 3!! What madness is this??

I have another number magic trick for you. 

It was my birthday yesterday. I made up my own magic trick for you to discover how old I turned.

Play along:

Step 1: Think of how old I LOOK.
Step 2: Multiply the number by 3.
Step 3: Subtract 2 from the result.

The answer is 34!! Every time!

You see, according to strangers and some friends, I have not aged a day since I was 12. You would not BELIEVE how many people ask my age and say, "REALLY?!?!?!? I thought you were 12!!!".

Not eleven, not thirteen, always....ALWAYS....twelve.

The next thing these people say when I look at them with a blank stare is, "you should take it as a compliment!".

Oh, ok [with continued blank stare]. So I should be happy that people who see me with my 5 year old think that I conceived when I was in grade 1?? And I should be flattered when I'm ID'd to...wait for it.... buy GAS??? Fantastic.

Luckily I didn't run into any of those people yesterday, and I had a great day! What really made my day was Nathan. At 5 years old, he told Daddy he wanted to get me 5 things and rattled off this list:

1. Make-Up [nail polish]
2. Necklace
3. Bracelet
4. Flowers [a dozen pink roses]
5. Dress

He went shopping with Grandma and Daddy and got everything on the list above.... all in pink! Apparently he was very specific in the items he chose. Looking through racks and racks until he found exactly what he was looking for. Evan even chose a pink pair of sunglasses for me!

I was so touched by their gifts! It made me feel special beyond words to know that my boys pay that much attention to what I like! Now when Nathan's not looking, I have to alter the pink dress to make it look a little less...frumpy. Even if I never wear it out in public, I'll wear it in the house with pride!

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